Next Step Growth Groups are the best way to enter into the community that God desires for us to live in. This is where growth happens relationally and spiritually. Your faith can become matured through prayer, study of the bible, awesome friends, and occasionally hanging out over some great food! Check out the groups below and let us know which group you are interested in. Just email Tara at with your interest or any questions.


"Habits of a Healthy Heart"

In new seasons, we often focus on what we should do more of. But sometimes, we just need to simplify. In “Habits of a Healthy Heart”, we'll take a deep breath, make space for God, and allow Him to work in our lives.
  • What: Video-Based with Craig Groeschel from Life Church
  • When: Tuesdays @ 10:00 AM
  • Where: Meadow Spring Church Multi-Purpose Room
  • Who: Led by Randi Randall

"Ruth and Daniel"

Dive into two of the most incredible books of the Old Testament and discover the relevant and refreshing truth found in the pages of Scripture. You will engage directly with Scripture as you journey through with the group.
  • What: Live Teaching Interactive with Q& A
  • When: Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM
  • Where: Meadow Spring Church "Nook"
  • Who: Taught by Glenn Johnston

"Stand...Courageous Stories from Daniel"

In “Stand…Courageous Stories from the Book of Daniel”, you will learn five important points in Daniel’s life when he stood for God. Covering everything from him being first captured as a boy to the lion's den to the fiery furnace, we'll see Daniel and his friends Stand Up, Stand Strong, Stand In, and Stand Firm for God.
  • What: Video-based with Craig Groeschel from Life Church
  • When: Wednesdays @ 6:30 P
  • Where: Meadow Spring Church Multi-Purpose Room
  • Who: Led by John Laeger


Just what does the Bible say about finding, having, and keeping real friends? What are the qualities of a meaningful friendship? In this sermon-based group, you will discuss and dive deeper into the previous Sunday’s sermon.
  • What: Sermon-based – discussing Sunday’s message
  • When: Wednesdays @ 6:45 PM
  • Where: Curt & Teresa Kallio’s home in Chaska
  • Who: Led by Robin Cote and Travis Lemke

"Stand...Courageous stories from daniel"

In “Stand…Courageous Stories from the Book of Daniel”, you will learn five important points in Daniel’s life when he stood for God. Covering everything from him being first captured as a boy to the lion's den to the fiery furnace, we'll see Daniel and his friends Stand Up, Stand Strong, Stand In, and Stand Firm for God. NOTE: This is an ONLINE group meeting on Zoom.
  • What: ONLINE Video-based with Craig Groeschel
  • When: Thursdays @ 7:00 P
  • Where: Wherever you are with internet access
  • Who: Led by John Laeger